I am an expert on all things Tax and understand that you want to pay as little tax as possible. I can advise you on all the taxes you will encounter including: Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax as well as VAT, PAYE & NI. I always advise you to seek advice well in advance of taking action.

I offer a comprehensive service from book keeping through to accounts preparation for; self employed, partnerships and limited companies. I will always focus on what the accounts can tell you about your business to make them useful to you.

I offer a complete payroll service including advice on PAYE, National Insurance and Construction Industry Scheme. I can advise you on the tax status of your employees and subcontractors to prevent you making very expensive mistakes in this respect.

I can prepare and submit your VAT returns. I will always assess whether you need to register or can even de-register and will advise you on the correct VAT rates to apply to your sales and expenses and take into account exempt, reduced rate and zero rated supplies and even those outside the scope of VAT.